
The chronology allows you to chart key events in the history of tourism from the eighteenth century to the present day.

You can browse by date using the histogram at the bottom of the page or the left and right navigational arrows. To help you find what you are looking for, you can view entries specific to a range of thematic categories or geographic regions. You can also search by keyword and create a printable list of the entries most relevant to your research.

Screenshot of the chronology. Users can search via keyword using the search bar at the top of the screen or filter the chronology by ticking the colour-coded categories. More filter options are revealed by clicking on the 'Region' tab. The chronology can be navigated by clicking on a year in the histogram at the bottom of the page or by using the arrows at the left and right edges of the page, which appear when you hove over the edges of the chronology page. Users can also opt to view the chronology in a 'List View' by clicking the button at the top of the page.

Screenshot showing a full-size image and accompanying details for a chronology entry. Clicking on an entry in the chronology brings up this screen. Users can opt to save any entry on a personalised list using the 'Add to List View' button.


Screenshot of the chronology in 'List View'. At the top there is an option to return to the 'Chronology View'. From this screen users can print the selected items in the list view or chose to clear the list completely using the buttons at the top right hand side of the screen.

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