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Title Charles Sumner Diary
Author/Creator Sumner, Charles (1811-1874)
Date 14-31 Jul 1829
Document type Travel Journal
Description Diary kept by Charles Sumner, later U.S. senator from Massachusetts, at the end of his junior year at Harvard University, while traveling by foot through Massachusetts, Vermont, and New York with five college companions. Sumner describes the villages along the way, the countryside, areas of historical significance, Revolutionary War battle sites and forts, rivers and lakes, conversations with town residents and miles walked.
Theme(s) Historical, Cultural or Religious Tourism  
Regions United States of America  
Country/State Vermont  Massachusetts  New York  
Ships Congress; Albany
Keywords American War of Independence, battlefield tours, river, student, hotel, food, farmer, church, religion, college, ferry, coffee house, mountains, animals, hiking, industry, soldier, Hessian, canal, American Indian, lake, steamboat, Saratoga Springs, Ticonderoga
Reference Ms. N-1641
Library Massachusetts Historical Society
Language English
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