My Archive

Leisure, Travel & Mass Culture: The History of Tourism features ‘My Archive’ and ‘My Lightbox’, where you can save documents and images from multiple search sessions, making your research experience more rewarding.

You will need to register to enjoy the benefits of using 'My Archive'. See the 'My Archive' section, which is always accessible in the top right-hand corner of the header.

Here’s how you can use 'My Archive' to enhance your online research:

Screenshot of search results to be saved to 'My Archive'. Use the 'Save search results to my archive' to save searches and allow you to continue your research between sessions.


Screenshot of the 'My Archive' page. At the top there is a link to enter either 'My Archive' or 'My Lightbox'. Saved searches appear in the middle of the page. Users can click on these search terms to be taken to the saved search results. Just below is 'My Bookshelf'. Documents saved here can be accessed again by clicking on the thumbnails. Below this is the 'My Media Clips' section, where you can click on saved promotional tourism film clips in order to play them.


Screenshot of the 'My Lightbox' page with the 'Image Options' drop-down list open. Users can create new scrapbooks to organise images, either using the 'Create a new Lightbox' field or by selecting a number of images and using the 'Copy selection to another Lightbox' option in the drop-down 'Image Options' list. From this list users can also export a selection of images as a PDF or run a slideshow of the images.

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